
The art of lipofilling: the transfer of fat using power-assisted liposuction (PAL)

What I am looking for in my work is to offer my patients the best. Effective, natural results and ever more comfort, whether it is before or after the operation using cutting-edge technology while never overlooking safety and reliability.

Expansion Vibrating Lipofilling (EVL) means greater patient comfort, greater accuracy and rapidity of execution, and optimal results for successful lipofilling. The EVL technique is gentler and quicker, produces quality fat, with better graft take, easier follow-up, and even more satisfactory results.

Let’s discover the EVL technique.

Lipofilling techniques continuously improving

Lipofilling, the transfer of autologous fat that is used to naturally and permanently reshape certain parts of the body or face, always begins with liposuction.

For many years, surgeons across the Atlantic have been using cutting-edge technology, PAL, for liposuction. This powerful system also has a large range of extremely fine extraction and reinjection tools (cannulas) of incomparable accuracy and various shapes to adapt to each extraction zone. This technique produces better, more homogeneous results and reduces as much as possible any potential skin sequelae caused by liposuction (orange peel skin and uneven areas).

Lipomodelling (lipofilling) is an increasingly common (and requested) surgical procedure due to its numerous advantages: a natural, permanent result, a biocompatible procedure, its ability to enhance the results of other procedures, and the harmonization of the silhouette by removing fat where there is too much and reinjecting it where there is too little. Techniques are constantly progressing to offer patients even better results and benefits while maximizing surgeon comfort.

The EVL technique corresponds perfectly.

What is lipofilling?

It is the transfer of fat and adipose stem cells from one part of the body to another and begins with liposuction.

Liposuction, an aesthetic surgery technique, has been widely used for many years. Tummy, buttocks, thighs, knees, but also the chin or arms… it involves removing stubborn fat deposits in these areas by sucking out the fat. As liposuction has been around for decades, the techniques have been continuously improving over time.

Lipofilling thus consists in suctioning out this fat using a cannula, centrifuging it, purifying it, and then reinjecting it into the areas lacking volume. Again, a specific cannula is used.


What is different about lipofilling using the EVL technique?

EVL is a cutting-edge technique of transplanting fat in a closed circuit: no syringes, no handling of the fat, appropriate cannulas with an intelligent oscillation system – all this helps reduce as much as possible the risk of infection and optimize the result.

By using state-of-the-art equipment, patients feel better and are also more satisfied because the results are better than those with traditional liposuction techniques using traditional reinjection of fat.


Advantages of the EVL technique

In concrete terms, it is a patented process combining the advantages of liposuction, and the transfer of fat and fat grafts: a cutting-edge liposuction and filtering system using specific cannulas designed for each area.

1. The PAL system is the most elaborate alternative to manual liposuction. This technology improves the quality of the fat and cells harvested and causes less bruising and swelling post-surgery. It reduces the time of the procedure and improves patient recovery. The adipose cells and stem cells harvested are perfectly healthy, viable, and of excellent quality and so the graft will take that much better. This system of assisted liposuction does not use heat and therefore does not damage the adipose cells or the surrounding tissue.

2. A large number of cannulas with small openings of varying sizes and positions to improve the performance of the procedure. The fineness and accuracy of the cannulas depending on the zone help protect the skin better in the areas where the fat is removed.

3. An ultra-high-performance filtration system for quality fat

Thanks to the innovative oscillation (or vibration) system and the very fine, adaptable cannulas, extraction is easier, more accurate, less aggressive, and can be carried out gently. As a bonus, there is no risk that the area extracted will crinkle like it sometimes does after traditional liposuction.

This same system is used to reinject the adipose cells into other areas of the body.

In addition to the backward and forward movement of the arm, the oscillation of the cannula « creates space » and thus an area in which the fat can be injected and that can be filled more easily, more rapidly, and more evenly with fat cells.

What are the effects of lipofilling?

Whether the procedure is carried out on the face or body (buttocks, breasts…), the effects of lipofilling are definitive and lasting. However, they do fluctuate with your weight changes! It is therefore better to maintain a stable weight: if you lose weight, the fat injected will decrease, and inversely if you put on weight.

This procedure leaves no really visible scars as the reinjection and harvesting are carried out through 3-mm micro-incisions. A compression garment (panty for the thighs and buttocks for example) must be worn day and night for several days.

You will have to wait approximately 6 months to see the final result: your silhouette will be resculpted and more harmonious.

Any questions? Would you like to make an appointment for a consultation with Doctor Rajao in Paris? Contact our team, we are at your service.

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