Women : Belly, Abdomen

The abdomen is an esthetically important area and a defined waist, whatever your build, is always desired to obtain an attractive silhouette.

Although there are a wide variety of body shapes and figures (athletic, slim, stocky, muscular, plump, etc.), women are naturally prone to store fat on the hips, buttocks and thighs. Some women may also gain fat on the stomach and abdomen. These bulges or fat deposits can become stubborn and they may be difficult to remove despite our attempts. It is not unusual for them to cause frustration and even complexes, as our body appears less proportionate and wearing close-fitting clothes becomes a challenge.

A layer of fat underneath the skin is completely normal, and its thickness varies from person to person. The adipose cells – or adipocytes – which make up this layer of fat are specialized in storing fat, and their size changes depending on energy intake. In theory, this means that if the body burns more energy than it consumes, it will not store fat.

In women, hormones play an essential role in distributing and storing fat. A hormonal imbalance can therefore cause fat gain in the abdominal area, but age (slower metabolism), the menopause, a lack of physical activity, an excessively rich diet, stress, etc. can also be responsible. Pregnancies and the major changes that occur in weight and the shape of the abdomen also contribute. Some women do not manage to regain their pre-pregnancy flat stomach even months after birth.

Numerous esthetic abdominal surgery solutions are available that depend essentially on the quality of the skin.
– When the skin is of good quality and elastic, there is no need to remove any and liposuction of the tummy or cryolipolysis of the abdomen and love handles is possible to treat excess fat around the entire abdomen.

Liposuction is performed in the operating room and additional radiofrequency therapy (J plasma by Renuvion) is possible on that day to further improve skin retraction and thus abdominal resculpting.
– When the skin is not elastic (for example when there are stretch marks) or when there is really too much skin (particularly after pregnancies or considerable weight loss), an abdominoplasty will be necessary to remove the skin, or even a body lift when there is also excess skin around the love handles and back.

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