Cosmetics and treatments specifically designed for men have been supported and appreciated for several years. That is also true concerning the use of medical and surgical aesthetic techniques. Using aesthetic medicine or aesthetic surgery is no longer taboo or demeaning for men. Taking care of one’s skin or considering a rejuvenating procedure has become one of the key steps to masculine beauty.
Men attach just as much importance as women, and sometimes more, to obtaining a natural result from an aesthetic procedure.
The body
The most requested cosmetic procedures for men include liposuction, especially for the abdomen, calf or chest implants, as well as gynecomastia.
- Liposculpture like the emblematic abdominal etching now allows abdominal reshaping of the patient by enhancing the muscles naturally present and creating six-pack abs above the navel. Traditional liposuction removes localized excess fat, for example, the love handles.
- Gynecomastia treats excess breast fat, which sometimes looks like real breasts on a man, causing considerable physical and psychological discomfort.
For the body, non-surgical techniques are also flourishing.
- Cryolipolysis allows men to treat localized excess fat without surgery, at the office, and without stopping routine activities.
- Laser treatments, depending on the case, can be used to firm the skin, tighten the tissues, or remove body hair. Dr. Rajao does not perform laser treatments but works in close collaboration with physicians from the CLIPP laser center in Paris.
The face
Aesthetic surgical procedures most desired by men ihclude procedures for the eyelids (blepharoplasty), the hair, and the nose (rhinoplasty). However, more men are increasingly asking for a lift or lipomodeling to retighten their lower face and reshape their neck.
To carry out all these procedures, the surgeon will take into account the specific traits of men: beards and baldness, as well as the masculine dimension of the expected result. If a man requests a rhinoplasty, the surgeon does not have the same criteria for a man than a woman.
Aesthetic medicine is more reassuring for men because it is simpler, less constraining, and lighter than aesthetic surgery. Aesthetic medicine for men is constantly developing. Today, procedures such as filling the under-eye area using hyaluronic acid, erasing fine lines with botulinum toxin or reviving skin radiance with mesotherapy, or the Affirm laser can be considered as a step to masculine beauty that sometimes appears unavoidable.
- Hyaluronic acid: the main areas treated in men are dark circles and tear troughs that hollow out the cheeks, resulting in a tired appearance and enhancing the nasolabial folds.
- Botulinum toxin: the main areas treated with botulinum toxin in men are the forehead and frown lines. For men, the dose must be lower than in women around the crow’s feet to retain a natural effect.
- Mesotherapy revitalizes the skin while maintaining a very natural effect and has been hugely successful with men.