
Skincare essentials for the over 40s

Over the decades, the skin loses its tone and becomes marked as a sign of the passing of time: wrinkles, loss of elasticity or sagging of the facial contour. From the age of 40, cell renewal slows down and collagen fibers deteriorate, leading to inevitable skin aging. However, it is possible to delay the appearance of the effects of time and to preserve your beauty. Daily rituals can fill in wrinkles; discover the solutions to taking care of your skin in your forties.

Skin aging at 40

Skin aging is inevitable, and the first signs of aging appear at 40. The face begins to change both on the surface and deep down: the structures that make up the skin and cell tissue of the epidermis change and the muscles lose tone, leading to a less attractive distribution of fat on the face. Another of time’s effects is that several key components of the facial structure become more scarce: collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin.

All of these changes cause major upheaval for the face. The decrease in collagen production combined with the disappearance of fat and the thinning of the epidermis causes first wrinkles to form and the skin and muscles around the eyes to distend. The eyes look more tired, with drooping eyelids and dark circles.

Metabolic changes cause a change in the level of hydration and the loss of elastin, which explains the skin’s loss of elasticity and firmness, as well as the slackening of the lower face. On the forehead, muscular activity gradually forms lines and hollows, and the mouth is also affected as it is surrounded with fine lines, cracks and unsightly furrows. Meanwhile repeated sun exposure causes aging spots to slowly appear.

Take care of your skin every day

There are several factors that can accelerate the skin aging process. Sun exposure, smoking, poor diet and pollution impact the condition of our skin. However, it is still possible to change your daily habits with a few simple rituals to preserve the beauty of the face:

  • Gently exfoliate damp skin once or twice a week with a gentle peel: this helps to activate cell renewal, remove excess sebum and allow the skin to breathe.
  • Moisturize the skin more – particularly the eye contour, where the skin is particularly thin.
  • Choose a cream suited to your skin’s needs.
  • Massage the face to active micro-circulation.
  • Adapt your lifestyle with:
    • A balanced diet – choose food rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients.
    • Protection against the harmful effects of the sun – protect the face, as well as the neck, décolleté, hands, arms and legs.
    • Stopping smoking, which tends to make the complexion duller.

You therefore need to give your skin the daily care that it requires; however sometimes you need to go further…


Preserving your beauty and fighting against the effects of time

 When you are aware of aging, there are several cosmetic solutions to preserving your beauty. Indeed, anti-aging medicine helps to take care of the skin of the face and erase the effects of time:

  • Hyaluronic acid to fill in wrinkles and fine lines, among other things. Injections can also fix pronounced dark circles by filling the hollows caused by the loss of fats, or to restore plump lips with a clearly defined contour free from wrinkles or unsightly cracks.
  • Botulinum toxin to correct a marked forehead. Botox helps to erase deep expression lines in the upper face, as well as hollows between the eyebrows, by tightening the muscles responsible for the skin folds. Botulinum toxin also has a preventative role by stopping the muscles responsible for aging (particularly in the lower face) from working too hard.
  • Mesotherapy or Mesolift to restore skin’s elasticity and firmness. This cosmetic medicine technique rehydrates and revitalizes the skin from the inside with injections of hyaluronic acid and vitamins.
  • Peels to correct a dull complexion and to restore evenness. This treatment can remedy dark spots while restoring the skin’s radiance.
  • Lasers to overcome skin slackening, improve wrinkles or reduce imperfections.
  • Thread lifts to redefine the lower face and correct a slackening facial contour: a genuine lifting effect without surgery.
  • Blepharoplasty – or eyelid surgery – offers a lasting solution to correct drooping eyelids and tired eyes.


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