HydraFacial treatment

HydraFacial treatment is an aesthetic procedure carried out in a clinic. Its goal is to thoroughly cleanse the skin while stimulating it using specific serums and moisturize this newly cleansed skin.

HydraFacial is a treatment that uses patented technology to thoroughly cleanse the skin by removing dead cells and impurities from its upper layers, then moisturizing.

The HydraFacial treatment brings about visibly healthier skin in around thirty minutes. This HydraFacial treatment can be tailored to every skin type, and any specific treatment request (large pores, dull complexion, oily skin, etc.). Even the most sensitive skin can benefit from the HydraFacial treatment’s deep cleansing and targeted hydration.

After eliminating impurities, the HydraFacial treatment imbues the skin with purifying and hydrating serums (glycolic acid, salicylic acid, peptides and hyaluronic acid).

The effectiveness of the products used is optimized at each stage by means of a gentle, continuous and painless suction process.

The HydraFacial treatment revitalizes without causing irritation. The procedure is completely painless.

HydraFacial is carried out in the doctor’s office and lasts between 30 and 45 minutes. The treatment includes four compulsory steps and one optional step:

  • Hydradermabrasion cleansing: always performed using suction, hydradermabrasion uses a deep and gentle cleanser designed to eliminate dead skin cells from the epidermis.
  • Exfoliation with a light peel: it is important to underline that this peel, unlike others, does not rule out sun exposure after treatment.
  • Extraction: again using adjustable suction, the HydraFacial treatment helps extract blackheads and impurities from the skin. The skin is visibly cleaner, healthier and fresher.
  • Intense hydration: the skin is free of its impurities, so an intensely moisturizing solution can penetrate deep inside the epidermis.

Depending on the skin type, an optional step may be performed using a booster that is carefully tailored to the skin’s needs.

  • Boost BrightAlive is a complexion brightening serum that can be used to bring instant light to the complexion.
  • Boost Glysal is an effective serum used to treat enlarged pores. Its action is enhanced by the comedone extraction step that is performed beforehand.
  • Boost Dermabuilder is a peptide complex used to soothe and firm the complexion by improving its evenness as well as the skin’s overall texture.
  • Boost Britenol combines the action of vitamin C with alpha-arbutin, which is known for its lightening action, to help unify the complexion by treating darker and sun-damaged areas.

Constant suction (with varying pressure depending on treatment times) stimulates the skin cells’ collagen production process, which in turn helps improve firmness.

Finally, red LED lamps with anti-inflammatory properties are trained on the skin to boost the action of the HydraFacial treatment.

Results are visible right away. The complexion is given a genuine boost; it is brighter and more even because it has been thoroughly deep cleansed.

The HydraFacial treatment causes no irritation and does not require any time away from normal activities. It is therefore quite possible to return to everyday life after the treatment. If required, make-up can also be re-applied immediately after a session.

No skin reactions have been reported the day after the treatment.

There are no major contraindications to the HydraFacial treatment.

The HydraFacial treatment is suitable for all skin types. Even the most sensitive skin will tolerate the HydraFacial treatment perfectly.

However as a precautionary measure, the treatment will not be performed on anyone with an allergy to aspirin or glycolic acid.

If the client is taking an anticoagulant treatment, it is important to notify the doctor’s office before the treatment so that the suction level can be adapted accordingly.

The HydraFacial treatment is also to be avoided during pregnancy.

It goes without saying that if the skin is damaged (sunburn, allergy, herpes outbreak) the treatment should not be performed.

The usual result observed is an immediate effect with a genuine “radiance boost”, a visibly clearer and more even complexion. The smoothing and hydrating effect can last for five to seven days. For optimal and permanent results, a HydraFacial treatment once a month is recommended. In addition, the effects of the skin Boosters will be more and more visible with subsequent sessions.

An additional treatment such as mesotherapy will enhance the hydrating effects of the HydraFacial treatment. In this case, mesotherapy should be performed after the HydraFacial, when the skin is completely free of its impurities.

A HydraFacial treatment can therefore be planned on a monthly basis, to keep the skin in excellent condition and prepare it for other aesthetic procedures. On the other hand, medical treatments such as hyaluronic acid or botulinum toxin injections are not usually performed on the same day as a HydraFacial treatment, so as to limit the risk of interaction between treatments.

The standard HydraFacial treatment can be enhanced with a lymph drainage treatment, which is performed using a machine that applies gentle suction.

In addition to the face, the décolleté and hands may also be treated.

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